Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Okay so today in computers class we have to vote on out dessert dance theme. Me personally, I think it would be super cool and very simple. I think this would best suit our class because it is super simple and doesn't require a lot of money.
For decoration we would have black light and some cool glow paint in a mason jar... see pretty simple

For a photo booth we could just put a black light above a bench and have them sit on the bench. Again, very simple. I would gladly contribute my time to decorate for this dance. I would help make the mason jars and put up the black lights. For food we can just make some bright cupcakes... More to come on this subject.


  1. i agree i think it will be really cool.

  2. Those jars are really fun to make!

  3. You have good ideas for the glow in the dark theme.(:

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The jars look really cool and I hope we get to do the Glow in the dark theme!

  6. that's a really good idea:) the jars would be fun to make

  7. I like how you continually post(: Good blog!

  8. I like the reasoning’s you come up with!
